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Black History Month: BLACK GIRL* MAGIC Film Series #3

Mi., 19. Feb.



hosted by Diana Arce (AWAC) presents „1500 and counting“ - a film by Siana Bangura and James Aidoo

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 Black History Month:  BLACK GIRL* MAGIC Film Series #3
 Black History Month:  BLACK GIRL* MAGIC Film Series #3

Zeit & Ort

19. Feb. 2020, 19:00

Frauenkreise, Choriner Str. 10, 10119 Berlin, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

Diana Arce (AWAC) presents: „1500 and counting“ - a film by Siana Bangura and James Aidoo

Siana Bangura, producer of the film, will be present!

"1500 and counting" is a documentary film investigating deaths in custody and police brutality in the UK. At the start of making this film, a report by INQUEST, published on 22nd October 2015 revealed that since 1990, there had been al least 1532 deaths in police custody, or following police contact, in the UK. During the four years it has taken to complete the film, this number has increased. Raising awareness of this issue is a matter of urgency as is a united call to action.

Produced by writer, producer and campaigner, Siana Bangura and directed by award-winning filmmaker Troy James Aidoo, "1500 and counting" is an independant documentary investigating those deaths as well as highlighting the work being done by campaigning groups such as the United Families and Friends Capaign (UFFC) and Black Lives Matter UK to bring forth justice.

Admission is free // Donations welcome 

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