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Film: Martha & Niki (Sweden, 2010, OmeU)

So., 06. Juni



Screening and Q&A with director Tora Mårtens and protagonist Martha Nabwire

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Film: Martha & Niki (Sweden, 2010, OmeU)
Film: Martha & Niki (Sweden, 2010, OmeU)

Zeit & Ort

06. Juni 2021, 11:00 – 13:30


Über die Veranstaltung

In 2010, Swedish friends Martha Nabwire and Niki Tsappos were the first ever female hip hop dance duo to beat all their opponents (men included) at the most important international street dance competition, Juste Debout in Paris. The two seem to intuitively understand one another. However, cracks start to appear in their friendship. In spite of their shared passions, the girls have very different backgrounds and lives. Martha moved from Uganda to Sweden as a teenager, while Niki was adopted from Ethiopia as a baby. 

But whereas Niki sees her African side reflected in Martha, Martha increasingly feels the need to withdraw into her shell, alone with her homesickness. This documentary not only films two successful dancers in action, but also two young adults who are grappling with very different life questions and individual challenges outside of dancing.

Where are your roots, and what elements of your culture do you bring with you from your homeland? How can you keep your cultural heritage alive, and how can you deal with all of these things within a friendship and as a team?

Director Tora Mårtens and protagonist Martha Nabwire will be present for a Q&A after the Screening!

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