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Menopause: A workshop for BIPoC with Uterus

Do., 22. Feb.



The workshop is conducted by AnouchK Ibacka Valiente and Griselda Enciso.

Menopause: A workshop for BIPoC with Uterus
Menopause: A workshop for BIPoC with Uterus

Zeit & Ort

22. Feb. 2024, 18:00 – 22. März 2024, 21:00

Berlin, Choriner Str., 10 Berlin, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung


(max. 12 participants)

solidary admission fee/Soli-Teilnahmegebühr:  0-20 €

Language/Sprache: English/Deutsch

Little is said about the menopause. What does it signify? What actually happens there? What can I expect? What changes? How can I deal with it? The idea is to create a space in which everyone can prepare for and reflect on the menopause process. In a 3-hour workshop we will have personal and team work. We aim to reach: Recognition of own achievements, Perception of the already acquired tools, Visualization of the paths ahead.

The workshop is conducted by:

  • AnouchK Ibacka Valiente - no pronouns - multidisciplinary artist and facilitator of family constellations. Offers rooms to bring people together in order to learn new perspectives and ideas for lightening our daily life in the best way we can. 
  • Griselda Enciso - no pronouns - Natural medical practitioner, dance teacher of afrodiasporic rhythms and facilitator of family constellations. Helps to design tools and structures that support healing processes at various levels. 

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