Di., 21. Nov.
|Frauenkreise Berlin
NETWORKING GROUP for FLINTA* entrepeneurs in Berlin with photographer Jutta Dobler & Coach Oshikan Sjodin-Bunse
Entrepreneurship is no walk in the park! Join Oshikan and Jutta in Berlin for monthly gatherings where FLINTA* entrepreneurs fearlessly showcase their life's work, connect, and share ideas and experiences.
Zeit & Ort
21. Nov. 2023, 18:30 – 26. Dez. 2023, 22:00
Frauenkreise Berlin, Choriner Str. 10, 10119 Berlin, Deutschland
Über die Veranstaltung
registration via: https://juttadobler.as.me/lifeworkconnections
Building a business is not for the faint of heart! Join Oshikan and Jutta for monthly get-togethers where FLINTA*
entrepreneurs become better known in Berlin by showcasing our lifework, by networking and exchanging ideas and
experiences with each other. We explicitly encourage BIPoC and international FLINTA* to present and share their
experiences in the group. More information / conditions / follow up dates / registration: www.frauenkreise-berlin.de
Registration: On this website
Admission Fee: 15 €