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TALKS ON MENTAL HEALTH by psychologist Felicia Lazaridou

Mi., 29. Apr.



Vol 2 - Intersectionality informed mental health: what it is, and why it is important

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TALKS ON MENTAL HEALTH  by psychologist Felicia Lazaridou
TALKS ON MENTAL HEALTH  by psychologist Felicia Lazaridou

Zeit & Ort

29. Apr. 2020, 19:30

Frauenkreise, Choriner Str. 10, 10119 Berlin, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

Intersectionality informed means: when the entire mental health system is grounded in knowledge of the ways some differences and identities are disadvantaged as a multiplicity of social inequalities. The starting point is how social inequalities operate, harm mental health and undermine the safety and quality of services. 

This talk attempts to explore the benefits of 'intersectionality focused mental health' in turn: structural change, institutional changes, occupational culture change, personal growth and most crucially, relationships. 

We also discuss that how - when intersectionality knowledge informs practice - the focus is on reclaiming connections (vulnerabilities/resilience, risk factors/protective mechanisms and survival) in the provision of therapeutic relationships that help people to heal and recover.

The admission is donation-based.

However, we ask participants to contribute a minimum of 5€ for each talk you wish to attend.

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