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Vernissage: Dadá ma Sunkún Mo // Dadá, no llores más // Dadá, don't cry no more

Fr., 11. Feb.



by artist Malena Meneses Gelpi

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Vernissage: Dadá ma Sunkún Mo // Dadá, no llores más // Dadá,  don't cry  no more
Vernissage: Dadá ma Sunkún Mo // Dadá, no llores más // Dadá,  don't cry  no more

Zeit & Ort

11. Feb. 2022, 19:00 – 30. Apr. 2022, 12:00

Berlin, Choriner Str. 10, 10119 Berlin, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

What if we could be taken to a place of deep connection to our feelings, from where we couldn’t escape?

This is the vision Malena Meneses Gelpi has for everyone getting in touch with her art. Having radical honesty as one of her driving forces, navigating through textures, cultures, colors, and pieces of her ancestrality, Malena portraits through her work, the process of understanding herself and accepting her Cuban-Caribbean-Latin American heritage.

Malena was born in Berlin, Germany and is a self-taught painter researching watercolor, selfmade ink, and the art of papermaking. Elements of religiosity are part of the narrative as aspects of identity rather than belief. By bridging her worlds together, as well as displaying images of her lineage through self-portraits and elements of nature, she forgives and connects to her ancestors by giving voice to her emotions in each corner of the paper she paints on. This exhibition is a result of many years of learning and experimenting, which called her to take a one and a half years break from her position as a medical doctor, in order to capture her emerging artistic soul as a path for her ultimate comprehension of self, and of emotions itself.

Curatey by Carla Maria De Souza.

The vernissage is - as the exhibition - going to be a physical event. Due COVID-regulations we are obligated to limit the event to max. 25 persons.

We apply 2G+ rule. Please check our webiste for current regulations/updates.

Please register here:

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